Wednesday, December 7, 2011

LocknLock - Flatware

These are the new addition to my kitchen, thanks to the $1 sale which LocknLock had last month. I only owned the fruit spoon initially and loved how sturdy it was. Also I had been eyeing on the cute butter spoons for a while and when these items were $1, I could not resist.

I bought every spoon/fork which was offered in the $1 sale. Some are for daily use and some I bought specifically to use as props for my cooking blog. Yeah they look pretty, shiny and are sturdy. The dinner spoon is big and can be used as a soup spoon as well. 

Cute butter spoons.

Fruit spoon.


1 comment:

  1. $1 ah...?? thats cool..yeah really they looks so nice and would love to own some for me now :)
    thanks for sharing!!
